Volume 6 Overview
239-page paperback book with 15 lessons, 15 worksheets, Two chapter tests and one final test
Answer Key in the back of the book with full solutions  ​
If your student scores well (B+ or better) on the final test, then one credit for Algebra 2 is earned.
Topics covered in volume 6 are typically taught in twelfth grade, but we don't mention grade level in the books.
Public School teaches Geometry after algebra 1. We teach algebra 2 after algebra 1.
Complete algebra 1, algebra 2 and Geometry in one school year, and watch your SAT score soar!
Upon purchase, you will receive a password to access a page on our website that contains printable pdf versions of every worksheet in the book.
An older student can complete this book in about three months.
Our Big, Big Bookmark is an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet that contains hints to all the most easily forgotten math concepts from volumes 1 - 4. So, let's say you're in pre-algebra and you have to divide fractions, but you can't remember if that's when you flip the fraction or not. Just look down at your Big, Big Bookmark and see that you flip the second fraction and then multiply straight across. Available for purchase at the bottom of this page and in the Store.​
Sample Pages:
Scope and Sequence:
Students are taught how to build an equation to solve difficult story problems.
The Distance Formula is used to solve story problem that involve travel.
Congruent Triangle are used to solve story problems that are often found on the SAT.
Students will learn skills to determine if two triangles are similar or congruent.
The basics of solving for the probability of an event are taught.
Equations with Inequalities are solved.
Solution and Mixture Problems are explained.
System of Equations are used to solve word problems and other algebraic equations.
Graphing Linear and Quadratic Equations.
Table of Contents
Finding the Known and Unknown in a Story Problem
Distance Divided by Rate Equals Time
Distance Formula in Story Problems
Congruent Triangles
Similar Triangles
Chapter Test
Solution Problems
Solution Problems with two Variables
Mixture Problems
Chapter Test
Systems of equations
Graphing Linear Equations
Solving Story Problems with Systems of Equations
Quadratic Equations
Graphing a Quadratic Equation
Final Test