Learn Math Fast for High Schoolers

If your student can add, subtract, multiply, and divide really well, even with a decimal point, then you can skip Volume 1.

Learn Math Fast System Volume 1

But if your student struggles to answer 18 + 7 or 9 x 8 in just a second or two, do yourself a favor and start with Volume 1.  It should only take a few weeks.  Click below to print a free Placement Test.

Older students can typically complete Volume 1 in a week or two.  They can even skip the worksheets and just read the lessons; that takes about three hours.

This program has been the answer to our prayers. My high school daughter has struggled with math for years, so I made the decision to take her back to the beginning after reading reviews of this curriculum. I am so glad I did. She loves doing her math lessons and I can see her confidence growing. Thank you, Learn Math Fast System!!

Volume 2 starts with fractions and will quickly teach your student how to solve a problem with negative mixed numbers, preparing them for pre-algebra.  (The answer is positive 4 1/2)

Can your high schooler solve this?

-2  5/8  x  -1  5/7 =

Four book covers for "Learn Math Fast System"

Volume 3 wraps up prealgebra in about a month.


Volume 4 teaches basic geometry.  We have an optional Geometry Kit to enhance that book.  It helps students to visualize the geometric concepts they learned and remember them for life.

A blue bag with some books and pencils

My son has always struggled in math. He graduated high school without ever really understanding or retaining any math. Now at 19 he decided to try from the beginning to figure out what he was missing. So we purchased this book, he loves it and is moving through it pretty quickly but likes the new approach and really feels like it was the basics that he was missing. I'm kind of disappointed that I never realized how far back we needed to go to help him, disappointed in the school for not noticing and really upset at all of the nights we spent arguing over math; assuming he was being lazy instead of lost. We are looking forward to purchasing the rest of these books and love seeing his confidence boosted.

Volumes 5, 6, and 7 teach Algebra 1, 2, and High School Geometry in one school year or less.

Learn Math Fast System books and cards.


Many high schoolers have read all seven volumes in one year then enrolled in college the following year.

These seven volumes are self-directing with all answers and full solutions included.  You can learn along with your student or just hand them the books and let them teach themselves.  It’s written at a fourth grade reading level and has been recommended by a dyslexia specialist.  Join the thousands of students who have learned 12 grade levels of math in less than two years.

I'm a veteran homeschool mom. These books are amazing. No extra fluff. If you have a kid that grasps concepts, and retains information easily, these books are for you. My 15 year old finished this book at age 14. We're going to put her in dual enrollment college algebra next. ~Trinity T.