How Does the Learn Math Fast System Work?

The Learn Math Fast System is just's a system used to teach math, from 2 + 3 to High School Geometry, quickly with a complete understanding of the subject. It starts by giving students the ability to sort numbers in their mind. Some people have this ability naturally. They are able to add numbers such as 17 + 8 in their mind, but not everyone can do that. Typically, a person who struggles to learn multiplication facts also struggles to add small numbers in their mind. The Learn Math Fast System teaches HOW to add and subtract numbers in your mind, making all future math so much easier.
A young person may take a week to learn the first lesson, and that's OK. The student MUST know all the combinations of numbers that equal five before moving on to the ones that equal six. It's important to the whole program. Volume I provides several ways to teach these early lessons, ensuring to reach all learning styles.
Older students will be able to complete the lessons in volume I much more quickly. They may even complete three lessons in a day, and that's OK, too. Everyone goes at their own pace.
Each lesson is so important to the overall success that "A" to "A+" work is expected. Students are instructed to look at the answers in the back of the book and learn from their mistakes or even repeat the lesson if necessary.
Once the foundation is set and the student can add, subtract, multiply, and divide with the greatest of ease, it is time to use those skills with fractions, decimals, and percentages. These topics are generally taught over the course of fourth, fifth, and sixth grade, but it doesn't have to take that long.  Fractions and decimals can be taught quickly when you use money as an example. Most kids know that four quarters equal a dollar, so the first lesson practically writes itself. (Read the sample pages here). This is followed up with a thorough explanation of how decimal numbers and percentages relate to fractions, summing up 4th and 5th grade in just a month or two. When students see how closely related the three concepts are, they quickly gain a real understanding of fractions and decimals; one that will last a lifetime, not just during test time.
Throughout the books, students will learn several tricks and tips to help them recall important concepts. And if they need a little extra reminder, they can look at their Big, Big Bookmark to get a quick reminder on how to solve certain mathematical equations.
Of course, all the other important concepts are taught as well. Students will learn about Place Value, Ratios and Proportions, Mixed Numbers, Negative Numbers, US Measurements and the Metric System, just to name a few. However, there are a few topics that you won't find in these books. For example, learning to tell time, the Calendar, Roman Numerals, and Tally Marks are not included in the Learn Math Fast System. That is one of the reason students are able to get through the books so quickly. We focus on MATH and how to fully understand the subject by giving lots of examples and thorough explanations of each new topic in a logical, sequential order.
Volume III introduces pre-algebra and can usually be completed in about two months at only a half hour a day. The author assumes the reader has no previous knowledge of algebra, so she explains everything thoroughly with lots of examples, paying special attention to the most confusing aspects of algebra and highlighting the most important parts. The final chapter in volume III gives an in-depth lesson on Slopes and linear equations. Having this information will make algebra I and II much easier to learn.
Basic geometry is typically taught throughout the elementary grade levels. The Learn Math Fast Systems saves geometry until Volume IV because by that time, students will be better prepared to handle concepts such as using formulas or having a Greek letter stand for 3.14.
Students who complete the first four volumes will have a solid understanding of math up to the eighth-grade level and will be well prepared for algebra. Volumes V and VI teach Algebra I and II with a focus on how to solve the type of problems found on the SAT or College Placement Tests. Volume V teaches how to SOLVE complex algebraic equations; that's the first half of the battle. Volume VI teaches how to BUILD equations to solve complex word problems and with the knowledge gained in Volume V, solving that equation will be simple.
Volume 7 teaches High School Geometry in words anyone can understand. We have an optional set of Smart Cards available to summarize all the Postulates and Theorems taught in the book.
An older student can complete all seven books in less than two years, but it may take several years for a younger student to learn all the material. Everyone is different, so the actual timeline will vary from one person to the next. But no matter your age, anyone who reads these seven books will have a solid understanding of higher math.