Elementary Kids can Learn Math Fast

Learn Math Fast System Volume 1

As soon as your student can count to 100, read and write numbers, and has a basic understanding of 1 + 2, it’s time to start using the Learn Math Fast System, Volume 1.



The first lesson starts with learning all the combinations that equal five.


1 + 4 =

2 + 3 =

5 + 0 =

5 - 3 =

5 - 4 =

5 - 2 =

We offer four different ways to learn these combinations, hitting all learning styles.  It was even recommended by a Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dygraphia specialist.

Thank you JK for creating Learn Math Fast.  I originally bought the  Learn Math Fast books for my own son I homeschool. It is wonderful how you explain math concepts so simply and directly  I own Lexia Learners, a tutoring company for students who learn differently because of Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia and Learn Math Fast is now the only math curriculum we use with our students! I recommend this program to anyone who has struggled to learn math using another program. If your child has never struggled in math, your child will love  Learn Math Fast, math just makes sense! Jess Arce "America's Dyslexia Expert" Owner of 3D Learning Experts  3dLearningExperts.com

There is one worksheet per lesson inside of the book.

Book cover mockup psd, editable design

Need even more practice? Consider purchasing our Book of Worksheets with it.  It has a third worksheet for every lesson plus chapter reviews.  You won’t need to print a thing. $38

Volume 1 teaches addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division even with a decimal point.  Even adults will learn tricks as they teach their children making all math much easier to solve.  Read these reviews from Amazon:

I rarely leave reviews, but I feel like I need to tell everyone how wonderful this program is!
I feel like this program is so thorough and can really help to fill in gaps in learning. I’ve noticed a big difference in my children and more confidence with math.  The lessons are very straight forward. Not full of fluff. They’re short and can keep their attention. My kids love the lessons and honestly I’m learning things as well! ~Stacie

I have been very pleased with this math system. I never expected it to make such an extreme difference nor as quickly! My 8 yr old son with mild ADHD has NEVER completed a page of ANYTHING without being prompted to "move onto the next problem/question". I walked him through his first page on day 1 but on day 2 he flew his work without any help or errors. Last night he asked for a page to do for "fun". I can't say enough good things about this system. Love it.  ~Cindy S.




Amazon sells the black and white editions of our books.  We sell the most recent editions which have color ink.  See the comparison to the right.

Learn Math Fast Volume 1 Black and White
Learn Math Fast Volume 1 Color page

We don’t mention grade levels in Learn Math Fast, but Volume 1 is equivalent to 1st – 3rd grade material with the exception of telling time and the calendar.  It is written for all ages, not childish, but with a bit of humor.

Everyone goes at their own pace, but on average the youngest student will need a year to complete this book while a nine-year-old may be able to complete it in a few months.  The older they are the faster they’ll complete it and walk away beaming with self-confidence, ready to learn fractions.

Add on one of our Big, Big Bookmarks for $10 to give your student hints to all the most easily forgotten math concepts taught in volumes 1 – 4.

Bookmark, math cheat sheet, math reminders on waterproof paper.